Yoonjung Kim
A Spool of Hair
20132 x 2 x 30cm
Hair, wooden rod
Hair Bar
20138 x 32 x 28 cm
Hair, metal towel bar, screws
4 Hours - 14.12.2012
20122.5 x 3.5 x 12.5 cm
PVC electrical tape
Trélex Residency, Switzerland
Private collection

1 to 192
2012Dimensions variable
Fabric, thread, heavyweight paper
12 a Day
201276 x 6 x 61 cm
10 m cotton rope split into individual strands and rolled into displayed in sequence, pins, display case
Triangle Space, Chelsea College of Art & Design, UK
164.5 Hours
201226 x 14 x 35 cm
20 balls of 105m yarn split into three strands and rewound, pins, hooks, stainless steel tubing, box, zipper storage bag
Triangle Space, Chelsea College of Art & Design, UK
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - Unusable Pins
20118 x 5.5 x 5.5 cm
Glass jar, pins
Folded Plasters in a Shoe Box
201116.5 x 28.5 x 9.5 cm
53 boxes of plasters (90 plasters each), shoe box
Nails and Wood
2011Dimensions variable
Nails, 12 of 3.3 x 4.4 x 180 cm planed softwood
Bargehouse, Oxo Tower, UK

Screws in Wall
201010 x 90 cm
Wallplugs, screws
Terrace Studio, UK
Hooks and Eyes on Hook-and-Loop Fasteners
20107 x 12 x 1 cm
Hooks and eye, hook-and-loop fasteners, white thread
Snap Fasteners on A4 Paper
200930 x 10 x 22 cm
Snap fasteners, thread, A4 paper
33 Times of Winding and 32 Times of Unwinding
20085.3 cm
Cotton string
Wimbledon College of Art, UK
Split and Winded Yarn
2008Dimensions variable
Wimbledon College of Art, UK
A Strand of Knotted Thread
2008Dimensions variable
White polyester thread, hardwood dowel
Wimbledon College of Art, UK
Balls of Knotted String
2008Dimensions variable
Ten cotton parcel strings
Wimbledon College of Art, UK